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Guizhou leverages mineral resources for high-quality development


By attracting major enterprises and optimizing the ecological environment, coal in Guizhou has evolved from being just a fuel to becoming a raw material for the coal chemical industry.


Guizhou shines at 8th China-South Asia Exposition


The 8th China-South Asia Exposition and the 28th China Kunming Import and Export Fair opened in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province, on July 23 and will last until July 28.


Party secretary propels village into prosperity


Qinggangba, a village near the Wuling Mountains in Sinan county, Guizhou province, that was once known only for its poverty, has become an affluent village envied by its neighbors partly thanks to the efforts of its Party secretary.


Big Data Expo 2024 to be held in Guiyang on Aug 28-30


The China International Big Data Industry Expo 2024 will be held in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, on Aug 28-30.


2024 Danzhai ICH Series of Activities open in Guizhou


The 2024 Danzhai Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Series of Activities commenced in Danzhai county, Southwest China's Guizhou province, on July 21, and will last until July 26.


Party charts reform course


China aims to build a high-standard socialist market economy by 2035 by enhancing the role of market mechanisms in the economy in order to create a fairer and more dynamic market environment, according to a communique issued on Thursday after a key reform-themed meeting of the Communist Party of China.


Diners not souring anytime soon on trendy soup hot pot


With consumption upgrades, consumers' increasingly diversified tastes and pursuit of healthier diets, eating sour soup hot pot has become the new "it" dish among Chinese hot pot lovers.


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